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Let`s be honest with ourselves! The first sign of aging on our face are under eye bags, and small wrinkles around the eyes. Wrinkles and fine lines appear in this area when we lose volume to the templates.

In our days, there are plenty of treatments that restore easily volume and support, including Botox or dysport injections, liftmassage, microdermabrasion, and lifting of the face using hyaluronic acid. It is well known that non-invasive treatments require more time to achieve the best results, therefore some people would prefer injections, which take maximum up to 14 days to react.

However, Fotona has a solution to those who prefer non-invasive treatments! Fotona SmoothEyeTM offers peri-Oscular resurfacing procedure. In order to soften the appearance of wrinkles and smile lines, Er:Yag laser light is used to lightly remove the outer layers of the skin, which is where the wrinkles form.

SmoothLiftTM is a procedure used to target volume through collagen induction. A collagen induction process is a skin rejuvenation treatment, which is known to remove some imperfections of skin like fine lines, small wrinkles, and certain scars.

The procedure consists of applying short pulses of laser light deep into the skin’s sub-layers, and the body will be able to get rid of the damaged tissue, therefore new collagen and elastin will be formed.

The possible side effects include redness, itchiness, scrubbing and hypersensitivity, yet they will disappear within 5-7 days.

The procedure does not require anaesthesia, yet may give some discomfort feeling. In general, a series of three treatments is required and the procedures have to be 6 weeks apart. However, the results may also depend on the skin sensitivity, therefore maintenance sessions might need to be taken. The regular price is $300 per treatment.