Fotona Photo-Rejuvenation
Photo-Rejuvenation technique was invented by Thomas L Roberts III in the 1990s. It is known to be a skin treatment that uses laser CO2, ER:Yag, ER:Glass, ND:Yag, Diode, and intense pulsed light.
Fotona Photo-Rejuvenation treatment uses two distinct types of lasers: Nd:Yag, and Er:Yag. Nd:Yag laser is normally used for non-ablative deep rejuvenation, yet the Er:Yag is for resurfacing to thermal rejuvenation.
Frac3 skin rejuvenation is meant for tissue attachment while Piano’s role is bulk heating. When treating the face, there are certain regions (along the jaw line and cheek bones) where the skin is attached to bones and treating these areas with Frac3 is doing the pulling and consequently the tightening of the facial skin in between these lines of attachment (SMAS) areas and giving much better pull than of the non-attached skin in between.
Piano which is coming after Frac3 is causing deep bulk heating and is contributing to the tightening effect, but also is starting the neocollagenesis process inside the entire facial skin.
Most common advantages of photo-rejuvenation procedure include lightening and removing sun and dark spots, redness, rosacea, and broken blood vessels. Moreover, by stimulating the collagen and minimizing the pore size, the over skin texture gets improved.
The clinical results certainly vary in different skin types, yet there will be some noticeable changes and improvements for all the cases.
The procedure itself does not require anaesthesia, yet may give some discomfort feeling. Furthermore, there is a possibility of short-time side effects as reddening, blistering, scrubbing, and temporary bruising.
The regular price is $200 per treatment, or $550 per prepaid package of three. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, and the interval between them is two weeks.