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O Shot – Sexual Health

What Exactly Is The O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® procedure provides a very specific way of using the growth factors within PRP to stimulate multi-potent stem cells to generate healthier and more functional tissue in the areas of sexual response and urinary continence within the vagina (G-Spot, O-Spot, Skene’s Glands, urethra, & vaginal wall).

By revitalizing and rejuvenating the clitoris and vagina, it not only lessens the problem of bladder leakage but also improves sexual drive and sensitivity considerably.

How The O-Shot® Can Help You?

  • Increased sensation
  • The ability to have an orgasm from penetrative sex when previously unable
  • Younger and smoother skin of the vulva
  • Stronger and more frequent orgasms
  • Improvement in urinary incontinence
  • Decreased pain for those experiencing painful sex
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm

How Does the O-Shot Help Vaginal Rejuvenation?

The shot works by using “high quality” Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) produced from the patient’s own blood. The PRP contains cell regenerating growth factors that, when injected into specific areas of the vagina, trigger stem cells to increase blood flow and generate healthy tissue growth as well as help improve the vascularization of the area.

Does the O Shot Injection Hurt? How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Getting the O-Shot is usually painless. We numb the area with a gentle, cream-based product. Although every patient’s experience is different, most experience only minor discomfort. The injection feels like a slight pinch or warm sensation. There is no recovery time with this non-surgical procedure. It is quick and generally takes about 30 minutes to complete, including the numbing process.