Posts 911spamedical |2 min read

Removal of extra skin with CryoPen

What is CryoTherapy?

Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold produced by liquid nitrous oxide for the fast, effective and safe solution for the controlled destruction of unwanted skin imperfections.

Cryotherapy is a minimally invasive therapy. This type of treatment removes damaged or diseased tissue that comes from a variety of medical conditions. Cryotherapy is usually done without open surgery. Most people recover quickly from the procedure and with little pain.

What is CryoPen?

CryoPen uses a technology referred to as cryotherapy – ‘cryo’ meaning ‘icy cold’. This involves the use of a high pressure jet of nitrous oxide – N2O, (the source of the cold energy), which is directed at the specific lesion being treated, to within millimetre accuracy.

It is one of the leading lesion treatment devices available on the market to cosmetic practitioners. The practitioner simply points the CryoPen applicator tip directly at the lesion and applies the cryotherapy. The jet of cold treats any abnormal tissue without interfering with or damaging normal tissue in a matter of seconds.

CryoPen treats benign skin lesions on the surface of the skin, many of which are no longer able to be treated by doctors under the NHS, due to their cosmetic nature. More complex lesions should be examined first and treated by a suitably qualified medical professional, so you may wish to speak to your GP about them first. It can treat lesions on the face, scalp and body including:

• Skin tags
• Age/liver spots
• Milia
• Cherry angioma
• Viral verrucae (warts)
• Solar lentigo (sun spots)
• Other pigmentation
• Plantar warts
• Condyloma (genital or anal warts)

• Popular nevi (moles, birthmarks etc)
• Contagiosum (water warts)
• Hyperplasia




  • The treatment is very quick, usually taking a few minutes
  • Sterile procedure – No incision, no bleeding, no risk of infection
  • There is virtually no down time
  • The treatment is virtually painless
  • Cryopen uses state of the art cooling technology that doesn’t need dangerous cryogenic gases
  • No an aesthetic is needed